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Getting Through Covid-19 Together!

In this month’s blog, we have decided to bring you something to help you and your wellbeing. With so much going on in the world, having to adapt to new lifestyles and keeping to government guidelines is very tough, so we wanted this blog to focus on helping you!

Taking some time out for yourself is important in normal circumstances, but is especially so in times of heightened stress, so we have complied some ideas on how you can think more about yourself and tips to aid working from home, especially with little people around!

Working from home
Working from home consecutively is a tough adjustment. But with schools closed for the foreseeable future, many parents now face the additional challenge of juggling behaviour, emotions and helping their child with home-schooling all the while adjusting to a whole new office-at-home regime, that is so far removed from their previous ways of working…

Here are some (hopefully) helpful tips:


Time to think of you
We are all doing our very best to combat the spread of coronavirus by staying safe at home, but the days sometimes seem long when you work from home and can’t go out.

To help make effective use of time and allow some mental space, many of us are taking up hobbies or discovering new favourite pastimes, which is a great way to help stress and anxiety.  Check out some of our suggestions:

Find your laughter! 

During this time, it can be very difficult to stay motivated and positive! But don’t forget the importance of laughter…and this is why:

In these worrying times, we need to find tools for laughter, catching up with family and friends on Facetime, Zoom etc, sharing stories, reminiscing or sharing funny pictures or jokes are the new ways of life. It’s important to keep connected and cherish virtual time with those around you.

Keep Safe, Keep Healthy and Keep In Touch!
